Steps to Export Trades From Robinhood

Robinhood does not provide a simple way for users to export their history of trades into a CSV. This is why we created an easy way for you easily export trades from Robinhood into a CSV file or right into our trading journal.

  1. Created an account on
  2. Select Robinhood from the broker dropdown menu
  3. Enter your Robinhood username and password (Don’t worry, we will never store your credentials)
  4. Select the portfolio you want your trades to be exported to
  5. Click Import

That is it, five simple steps to export trades from Robinhood into a CSV file or into TraderSync.

How are we able to export trades from RobinHood?

We tap into Robinhood APIs which allows us to obtain all your transactions such as price, symbol, date, time, and more. Once we are able to obtain this information we simply run our algorithm to export all your trades from Robinhood into our trading journal which then can be re-exported into a CSV.

Do you store my username and password for Robinhood? 

No, we will never store your Robinhood credentials. We simply use your credentials at the moment when you input them to export the trades from Robinhood.  We do not store them, this is why every time you wish to bring your new trades over to our trading journal we will be asking you to re-enter them.

How can I export my trades from Robinhood into a CSV?

After you have properly imported your trades into TraderSync, you can then click on the “Trades” menu, you will be able to select all your trades and copy them into a CSV.

How long does it normally take to import a year’s worth of transactions?

It might take up to 10 minutes to export one year or more worth of transactions from Robinhood.

What is the benefit of Exporting the trades from Robinhood into TraderSync?

TraderSync will provide you with analytics reports that will help you find your trading edge.

If you have any questions you can always email us at

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