Frequently Asked Question
Adding Trades
- Can I synchronize IRA accounts from Robinhood?
- Why are my spot trades still open if they have already been closed?
- Why I cannot see my expired orders?
- How to manually close an expired trade?
- How to close an expired trade?
- How can I Import a file?
- How can I see my Import history?
- How can I delete specific orders from a trade?
- Can I add trades manually for options?
- How can I add an execution?
- How can I download my previously uploaded files?
- How can I undo my last imported trades?
- How can I sync my trades?
- How can I add a broker as a favorite?
- How does TraderSync automatically create an expiration order and assigns it to a trade?
- How to delete a trade?
- How to add a new trade manually?
- Can I add multiple trading accounts?
- How many trades can I import?
- How often can I import my trades?
- What futures index charts do you support?
- Why are my spot trades still open if they have already been closed?
- Can I add trades manually for options?
- How can I assign custom options spread to a trade?
- How can I create a custom options spread?
- How can I rename a custom options spread?
- How can I change the spread of one or multiple trades at once?
- How does TraderSync automatically create an expiration order and assigns it to a trade?
- How can I activate the auto-spread detection?
- How to Disable Automatic Option Expiration Orders
- What assets are supported?
- Why is the VWAP not showing?
- Why am I unable to view the Pivot Points indicator on 1-minute charts?
- How can I show/hide the assistant?
- How can I access my insights?
- How are the insights generated?
- Where do I see the A.I. insights?
- How can I download my invoice?
- How can I update my credit card info?
- How do I upgrade my plan?
- How do I cancel my plan?
- How do I view my plan?
- Do you offer refunds?
- Can I freeze my account?
- Why am I unable to view the Pivot Points indicator on 1-minute charts?
- How do I view all trades from the selected symbol in one chart?
- How do I take a screenshot of a chart?
- How do I attach an image to a trade?
- How to change the settings of a chart?
- How can I change the shape of the chart?
- How do I remove a chart?
- How can I pre-configure more than one chart on the trade detail page?
- What markets are supported for automatic charting?
- Which assets are supported for automatic charting?
- What futures index charts do you support?
- Why is the VWAP not showing?
- How can I hide the buy and sell flags from the charts?
- How can I deactivate pre and post-market data from the charts?
- Do you plot executions on charts?
- Can I change my timezone?
- Where can I see the charts?
Custom Filters
- How can I customize filters?
- How can I exclude trades with certain criteria from my stats?
- Which sections are not affected by the filters?
- How can I delete specific orders from a trade?
- How can I see my reporting stats in gross?
- How can I see my reporting stats in currency?
- How can I change the reporting stats to R multiple?
- How can I change the layout of the dashboard?
- How can I customize the columns of the dashboard?
- How can I remove top widgets?
- How can I add top widgets?
- How can I add or remove filters?
- How Does TraderSync Group Trades?
- Why Your Cumulative Return Doesn’t Match the Trades Section: Understanding the Differences
- How can I separate executions from a trade?
- How can I change the spread of a trade?
- How can I rearrange widgets on the dashboard?
- How can I assign one or multiple setups/mistakes/custom tags to more than one trade at once?
- How can I remove one or multiple setups/mistakes/custom tags from more than one trade at once?
- How can I merge trades?
- How can I export trades?
- How can I export executions?
- How can I delete one or multiple trades at once?
- How can I change the privacy from public to private or vice versa for one or multiple trades at once?
- Can I customize the dashboard?
- What is the difference between Trades section and the Dashboard section?
- How many widgets are allowed on the top dashboard?
- Can I see unrealized PnL?
- Where do I see the A.I. insights?
Equity Options
- Can I add trades manually for options?
- How can I assign custom options spread to a trade?
- How can I create a custom options spread?
- How can I rename a custom options spread?
- How can I change the spread of one or multiple trades at once?
- How does TraderSync automatically create an expiration order and assigns it to a trade?
- How can I activate the auto-spread detection?
- How to Disable Automatic Option Expiration Orders
- What assets are supported?
- How can I Import a file?
- How can I see my Import history?
- Can I add multiple trading accounts?
- How often can I import my trades?
- How can I remove top widgets?
- How can I add top widgets?
- How can I customize filters?
- How can I add or remove filters?
- How can I exclude trades with certain criteria from my stats?
- How can I remove all filters?
- Which sections are not affected by the filters?
- How can I apply a filter?
- How can I delete a filter?
- How does TraderSync automatically create an expiration order and assigns it to a trade?
- What assets are supported?
Futures Options
- How can I change the spread of one or multiple trades at once?
- How does TraderSync automatically create an expiration order and assigns it to a trade?
- What assets are supported?
- What constitude the free trial?
- How can I contact support?
- How can I show/hide the assistant?
- How can I show/hide widgets from dashboard?
- How can I show/hide tooltips across the application
- How can I see my reporting stats in gross?
- How can I see my reporting stats in currency?
- How can I change the reporting stats to R multiple?
- How can I change the layout of the dashboard?
- How can I remove side widgets?
- How can I add side widgets?
- How Does TraderSync Group Trades?
- How can I remove all filters?
- How can I separate executions from a trade?
- How can I swap the widgets under the snapshot?
- How can I download my previously uploaded files?
- How can I delete my account?
- How can I export trades?
- How can I export executions?
- How can I delete one or multiple trades at once?
- How can I reach support?
- How can I change the theme?
- What are the different types of reports available?
- How to Switch Between Gross or Net Stats
- Do you have a mobile app?
- Do you report wash sales?
- Do you have tutorials?
- Which plan is the trial equivalent to?
- Do you offer a free trial?
- What is Tradersync?
- Partial Return Net
- Partial Return %
- Contract Size (Forex)
- R/R (Risk Reward Ratio)
- Contract Size (Futures)
- Contract Size (Options)
- Example
- Margin
- Cost
- Best Exit & Best Exit %
- Expectancy
- Return %
- System Quality Number (SQN)
- PnL Standard Deviation on Lossers
- PnL Standard Deviation on Winners
- PnL Standard Deviation (Profit and Loss Standard Deviation)
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Open
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Long
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Short
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Breakeven
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Loss
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Win
- Avg Fees
- Avg Commissions / Fees / Swap
- Total Swap
- Total Fees
- Total Commissions / Fees / Swap
- Avg Breakeven Hold Time (Average Breakeven Trade Hold Time)
- Avg Losers Hold Time (Average Losing Trade Hold Time)
- Avg Winning Hold Time (Average Winning Trade Hold Time)
- Max Consec. Loss (Maximum Consecutive Losses)
- Max Consec. Win (Maximum Consecutive Wins)
- Total BE (Total Breakeven Trades)
- Total Losers
- Total Winners (Total Winning Trades)
- Total Open Trades
- Total Trades
- Total Closed Trades
- Avg % on Shorts (Average Percentage Return on Short Trades)
- Avg % on long (Average Percentage Return on Long Trades)
- Avg % on losers (Average Percentage Loss on Losing Trades)
- Avg % on Winners (Average Percentage Return on Winning Trades)
- Avg % Return (Average Percentage Return)
- Avg $ Position MAE (Average Maximum Adverse Excursion in Dollars)
- Avg $ Position MFE (Average Maximum Favorable Excursion in Dollars)
- Avg $ on Losers (Average Loss on Losing Trades)
- Avg $ on Winners (Average Profit on Winning Trades)
- Return / Size (Average Return per Unit)
- Avg Return $
- Biggest % Loser
- Biggest % Profit
- Accumulative Return %
- Open % (Open Trade Percentage)
- BE % (Breakeven Percentage)
- Loss % (Loss Percentage)
- Win % (Win Percentage)
- Profit Factor
- Profit/Loss Ratio
- Biggest Loss $
- Biggest Profit $
- Return $ on Short
- Return $ on Long
- Return on Losers
- Return on Winners
- Account Balance
- Accumulative Return Gross $
- Accumulative Return Net $
- Accumulative Return $ (PnL)
- What is the strategy checker?
- What stats are available?
- Can I add multiple trading accounts?
- What reports are available?
- Do you plot executions on charts?
- Can I change my timezone?
Import Trades
- How to close an expired trade?
- How about if my broker is not listed?
- How can I Import a file?
- I got the error File format does not match the selected broker
- How can I download my previously uploaded files?
- How can I undo my last imported trades?
- How can I add a broker as a favorite?
- How to delete a trade?
- Which brokers / exchanges / trading applications do you support.
- Can I add multiple trading accounts?
- What assets are supported?
- How many trades can I import?
- How often can I import my trades?
- How to manually close an expired trade?
- Can I add trades manually for options?
- How can I add an execution?
- How to add a new trade manually?
- Can I add multiple trading accounts?
Market Replay
- From what date does the market replay feature provide futures data?
- How can I include market replay stats in my reports?
- How can I reset the volume filter?
- How can I filter the volume?
- How can I change the color palette from level II?
- How can I add a new chart?
- How can I delete a screener?
- How can I set a screener as default?
- How can I edit a screener?
- How can I create a screener?
- How can I enable/disable sections from the Market Replay?
- How can I change the layout of the Market Replay?
- How can I reset the account trades?
- How can I change the buying power on the market replay?
- How can I view pre and post market data in the market replay?
- How can I use the market replay?
- How can I add a chart to a new playlist?
- How can I play a chart from a playlist?
- How can I create a playlist?
- How can I view a playlist?
- How can I share a playlist link?
- How can I start an already created playlist?
- How can I start an already created playlist?
- How can I create a playlist in the market replay for the trades of a given setup?
- How to Include Market Replay Trades on Overall Stats
- When is the current trading day replayable?
- What are the playlists?
- Do my trades transfer to Analytics?
- Do you have Level II and Time & Sales?
- What’s the difference between the backtester and the market replay?
Other Stats
- Partial Return Net
- Partial Return %
- Contract Size (Forex)
- R/R (Risk Reward Ratio)
- Contract Size (Futures)
- Contract Size (Options)
- Example
- Margin
- Cost
- Best Exit & Best Exit %
- Expectancy
- Return %
- What stats are available?
- How to set your my report as favorite?
- How can I download a picture with my stats?
- How can I print the overview reports?
- How can I change the graph range in the overview?
- How can I change the drawing of the graph in the overview?
- How can I populate the graph with an specific report in the overview?
- Why does the return on the table not match the Accumulated Return $ on the top widgets when filtering by a specific date?
- How can I view stats for a specific account?
- How can I benchmark my stats against the market?
- Can I track my account balance?
- How can I view stats for a specific account?
- How can I view stats for a certain portfolio?
- How can I delete the trades of one particular portfolio?
- How can I delete a portfolio?
- How can I add portfolio adjustment to a portfolio?
- How can I rename a portfolio?
- How can I create a new portfolio?
- How can I reassign one or multiple trades to a different portfolio?
- How can I determine what portfolio to share on my primary shared profile link?
- How to set your my report as favorite?
- How can I download a picture with my stats?
- How can I print the overview reports?
- How can I change the graph range in the overview?
- How can I change the drawing of the graph in the overview?
- How can I populate the graph with an specific report in the overview?
- Why Your Cumulative Return Doesn’t Match the Trades Section: Understanding the Differences
- How to Share Historical Performance
- Partial Return Net
- Partial Return %
- Contract Size (Forex)
- R/R (Risk Reward Ratio)
- Contract Size (Futures)
- Contract Size (Options)
- Example
- Margin
- Cost
- Best Exit & Best Exit %
- Expectancy
- Return %
- System Quality Number (SQN)
- PnL Standard Deviation on Lossers
- PnL Standard Deviation on Winners
- PnL Standard Deviation (Profit and Loss Standard Deviation)
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Open
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Long
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Short
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Breakeven
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Loss
- Total Commissions/ Fees / Swap Win
- Avg Fees
- Avg Commissions / Fees / Swap
- Total Swap
- Total Fees
- Total Commissions / Fees / Swap
- Avg Breakeven Hold Time (Average Breakeven Trade Hold Time)
- Avg Losers Hold Time (Average Losing Trade Hold Time)
- Avg Winning Hold Time (Average Winning Trade Hold Time)
- Max Consec. Loss (Maximum Consecutive Losses)
- Max Consec. Win (Maximum Consecutive Wins)
- Total BE (Total Breakeven Trades)
- Total Losers
- Total Winners (Total Winning Trades)
- Total Open Trades
- Total Trades
- Total Closed Trades
- Avg % on Shorts (Average Percentage Return on Short Trades)
- Avg % on long (Average Percentage Return on Long Trades)
- If I edit my trade, would the rolling exit get recalculated?
- How would the calculations differ if I exit gradually over time?
- Avg % on losers (Average Percentage Loss on Losing Trades)
- Avg % on Winners (Average Percentage Return on Winning Trades)
- Avg % Return (Average Percentage Return)
- Avg $ Position MAE (Average Maximum Adverse Excursion in Dollars)
- Avg $ Position MFE (Average Maximum Favorable Excursion in Dollars)
- Avg $ on Losers (Average Loss on Losing Trades)
- Avg $ on Winners (Average Profit on Winning Trades)
- Return / Size (Average Return per Unit)
- Avg Return $
- Biggest % Loser
- Biggest % Profit
- Accumulative Return %
- Open % (Open Trade Percentage)
- BE % (Breakeven Percentage)
- Loss % (Loss Percentage)
- Win % (Win Percentage)
- Profit Factor
- Profit/Loss Ratio
- Biggest Loss $
- Biggest Profit $
- Why does the return on the table not match the Accumulated Return $ on the top widgets when filtering by a specific date?
- How can I view stats for a specific account?
- Return $ on Short
- Return $ on Long
- Return on Losers
- Return on Winners
- Account Balance
- Accumulative Return Gross $
- Accumulative Return Net $
- Accumulative Return $ (PnL)
- What is the difference between Best Exit and Rolling Exit?
- How can I view stats for a certain portfolio?
- How can I assign a custom tag to a trade?
- How can I benchmark my stats against the market?
- How can I add a report as a favorite for quick access?
- How can I remove a report from the favorite list?
- How can I assign a mistake to a trade?
- How can I pin a report?
- How can I assign a setup to a trade?
- How I can print a report?
- How can I assign one or multiple setups/mistakes/custom tags to more than one trade at once?
- How can I change the privacy from public to private or vice versa for one or multiple trades at once?
- What are the different types of reports available?
- How do I access my reports?
- How do I access my stats?
- How to Switch Between Gross or Net Stats
- How to Include Market Replay Trades on Overall Stats
- How to Change Reports by Open Date / Close Date / Transaction Date
- What is the strategy checker?
- What stats are available?
- Can I add multiple trading accounts?
- What reports are available?
- Do you plot executions on charts?
- Can I change my timezone?
- What is the difference between Trades section and the Dashboard section?
- Can I track my account balance?
- Where do I see the A.I. insights?
- Which assets are supported for automatic charting?
- Where can I see the charts?
Rolling Exit
- If I edit my trade, would the rolling exit get recalculated?
- How would the calculations differ if I exit gradually over time?
- What is the difference between Best Exit and Rolling Exit?
- Why am I unable to view the Pivot Points indicator on 1-minute charts?
- How can I delete a custom spread?
- How can I create a custom spread?
- How can I define PL display risk scale?
- How can I determine win/loss of my trades?
- How can I include cummulative return in my trades list?
- How can I include market replay stats in my reports?
- How can I change the decimal presicion?
- How can I log out from my account?
- How can I download my invoice?
- How can I update my credit card info?
- How can I downgrade my subscription?
- How can I upgrade my subscription?
- How can I purchase a plan?
- How can I delete my account?
- How can I change my password?
- How can I change the first name or last name?
- How can I delete specific orders from a trade?
- How can I customize the columns of the dashboard?
- How do I enable/disable sections in the Trade Detail?
- How can I add r multiple to my trades?
- How do I change the layout of the trade detail?
- How do I move to the next/previous trade?
- How do I view all trades from the selected symbol in one chart?
- How to print a trade?
- How can I select what I share of a particular trade?
- How do I replay an existing trade?
- How do I add a note to a trade?
- How do I delete an attached image from a trade?
- How do I take a screenshot of a chart?
- How do I attach an image to a trade?
- How to change the settings of a chart?
- How can I change the shape of the chart?
- How do I remove a chart?
- How do I remove a setup/mistake/custom tag from a trade?
- How do I assign a setup/mistake/custom tag to a trade?
- How do I manually close a trade?
- How do I edit an existing order?
- How do I add a new order to a trade?
- How do I edit targets and stop losses?
- How do I remove targets and stop losses?
- How do I manually add targets and stop losses to my trades?
- How do I manually edit the contract size of a trade?
- How do I manually change the side of an option?
- How Does TraderSync Group Trades?
- How to Share Historical Performance
- How to change the spelling of a setup/mistake?
- How can I set up automatic targets and stop losses?
- How can I pre-configure more than one chart on the trade detail page?
- How can I set automatic commissions or fees for my trades?
- How can I separate executions from a trade?
- How can I delete the trades of one particular portfolio?
- How can I delete a portfolio?
- How can I add portfolio adjustment to a portfolio?
- How can I rename a portfolio?
- How can I create a new portfolio?
- Can I rearrange the screenshots I uploaded?
- How can I export the executions from a trade details page?
- How can I delete an execution from a trade?
- How can I activate/deactivate the list of trades inside the Trades detail page?
- How can I assign a mistake to a trade?
- How can I assign a setup to a trade?
- How can I change the spread of a trade?
- How can I hide blocks of content on the trade detail page?
- How can I add an execution?
- How can I share a trade?
- How can I assign a strategy to a trade?
- How can I add a target/stop loss to a trade?
- How can I delete a target/stop loss from a trade?
- How can I update the target/stop loss of a trade?
- How can I hide the buy and sell flags from the charts?
- How can I deactivate pre and post-market data from the charts?
- How can I change my profile picture?
- How can I hide the targets and stops from the chart?
- How can I remove one or multiple setups/mistakes/custom tags from more than one trade at once?
- How can I merge trades?
- How can I hide the screenshot section on the journal section?
- How can I export trades?
- How can I reassign one or multiple trades to a different portfolio?
- How can I change the privacy from public to private or vice versa for one or multiple trades at once?
- How can I create a new custom tag category and items?
- How can I delete all my mistakes at once?
- How can I delete a mistake?
- How can I rename a mistake?
- How can I create a new mistake?
- How can I change the theme?
- How can I delete all my setups at once?
- How can I delete a setup?
- How can I rename a setup?
- How can I create a new setup?
- On my primary shared profile link how can I choose which stats to display?
- On my primary shared profile link how can I choose which columns to share in the trades table?
- How can I determine what portfolio to share on my primary shared profile link?
- How can I determine which metrics to share for the trades details page?
- How can I create a custom link so I can share specific trades with someone?
- How can I share a link of my stats with someone?
- How can I change the partial return calculation between LIFO, FIFO or Weigted Average?
- How does TraderSync automatically create an expiration order and assigns it to a trade?
- How to export trades?
- How to delete a trade?
- How to edit a trade?
- How can I change the base currency of my account?
- How can I set my custom breakeven rules based on the return of the trade?
- How can I activate the auto-spread detection?
- How to Disable Automatic Option Expiration Orders
- How to Change Average Entry Price Calculation
- How to Change Short Trade Percentage Calculation
- How to Switch Between Gross or Net Stats
- How to Change Reports by Open Date / Close Date / Transaction Date
- How to Change The Way How Trades Are Grouped ?
- What markets are supported for automatic charting?
- Do you plot executions on charts?
- Do you support other currencies?
- Can I change my timezone?
- How many trades can I import?
- What is the difference between Trades section and the Dashboard section?
- Which assets are supported for automatic charting?
Strategy Checker
- Can I synchronize IRA accounts from Robinhood?
- Why are my spot trades still open if they have already been closed?
- How can I sync my trades?
- Can I add multiple trading accounts?
- How can I delete specific orders from a trade?
- How can I customize the columns of the dashboard?
- How do I enable/disable sections in the Trade Detail?
- How can I add r multiple to my trades?
- How do I change the layout of the trade detail?
- How do I move to the next/previous trade?
- How do I view all trades from the selected symbol in one chart?
- How to print a trade?
- How can I select what I share of a particular trade?
- How do I replay an existing trade?
- How do I add a note to a trade?
- How do I delete an attached image from a trade?
- How do I take a screenshot of a chart?
- How do I attach an image to a trade?
- How to change the settings of a chart?
- How can I change the shape of the chart?
- How do I remove a chart?
- How do I remove a setup/mistake/custom tag from a trade?
- How do I assign a setup/mistake/custom tag to a trade?
- How do I manually close a trade?
- How do I edit an existing order?
- How do I add a new order to a trade?
- How do I edit targets and stop losses?
- How do I remove targets and stop losses?
- How do I manually add targets and stop losses to my trades?
- How do I manually edit the contract size of a trade?
- How do I manually change the side of an option?
- How can I set up automatic targets and stop losses?
- How can I pre-configure more than one chart on the trade detail page?
- How can I separate executions from a trade?
- Can I rearrange the screenshots I uploaded?
- How can I export the executions from a trade details page?
- How can I delete an execution from a trade?
- How can I activate/deactivate the list of trades inside the Trades detail page?
- How can I assign a mistake to a trade?
- How can I assign a setup to a trade?
- How can I change the spread of a trade?
- How can I hide blocks of content on the trade detail page?
- How can I add an execution?
- How can I share a trade?
- How can I assign a strategy to a trade?
- How can I add a target/stop loss to a trade?
- How can I delete a target/stop loss from a trade?
- How can I update the target/stop loss of a trade?
- How can I hide the buy and sell flags from the charts?
- How can I deactivate pre and post-market data from the charts?
- How can I remove one or multiple setups/mistakes/custom tags from more than one trade at once?
- How can I merge trades?
- How can I export trades?
- How can I change the privacy from public to private or vice versa for one or multiple trades at once?
- How can I create a new custom tag category and items?
- How can I delete all my mistakes at once?
- How can I delete a mistake?
- How can I rename a mistake?
- How can I create a new setup?
- How does TraderSync automatically create an expiration order and assigns it to a trade?
- How to export trades?
- How to delete a trade?
- How to edit a trade?
- How can I set my custom breakeven rules based on the return of the trade?
- How many trades can I import?
- What is the difference between Trades section and the Dashboard section?