Accumulative Return Net $

Accumulative Return Net $

The total profit or loss generated from all your trades over a specified period after deducting commissions, fees, and swap.

Accumulative Return Net $ = Accumulative Return $ – (Commissions + Fees – Swap)

(Let’s continue using the previous example and add some hypothetical fees)

  • Trade 1: Profit of $200, Fees: $10
  • Trade 2: Loss of $50, Fees: $8
  • Trade 3: Profit of $100, Fees: $5
  • Trade 4: Profit of $50, Fees: $5

Accumulative Return $ = $300 (as previously calculated)
Total Fees = $28
Accumulative Return Net $ = $300 – $28 = $272

Key Points
True Profitability: Provides a more realistic picture of your net profits after factoring in trading costs.

See the considerations listed under “Accumulative Return $”.

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