How Does TraderSync Group Trades?

How Does TraderSync Group Trades?

In TraderSync, you have three possible settings for grouping trades: Normal, Split, and Spread. Each setting organizes your trades differently, depending on specific conditions.

1. Normal

The “Normal” grouping organizes trades by ticker symbol as long as the trade does not stay flat for more than 4 hours. Even if the position goes flat temporarily, TraderSync will group it as one trade if it is reopened within a 4-hour window.


  • Buy 100 shares of AAPL at 8:00 AM
  • Sell 100 shares of AAPL at 9:00 AM (Position goes flat)
  • Buy 50 shares of AAPL at 10:00 AM
  • Sell 50 shares of AAPL at 11:00 AM

In this case, TraderSync will group all of these as one trade because the position was reopened within the 4-hour timeframe, even though it temporarily went flat.

2. Split

The “Split” setting groups trades by ticker symbol and creates a new trade every time the position goes flat. If the position is fully closed and then reopened, TraderSync will treat it as two separate trades.


  • Buy 100 shares of AAPL at 8:00 AM
  • Sell 100 shares of AAPL at 9:00 AM (Position goes flat, first trade ends)
  • Buy 50 shares of AAPL at 10:00 AM
  • Sell 50 shares of AAPL at 11:00 AM (Second trade)

In this case, TraderSync will create two separate trades because the position went flat after the first sell order.

3. Spread

For options traders, the “Spread” setting groups trades by ticker symbol and spread type (e.g., Iron Condor, Straddle, etc.). If TraderSync detects a specific spread, it will group all legs of that spread as one trade.

If you enter an Iron Condor on SPY, consisting of buying one call, selling one call, buying one put, and selling one put, TraderSync will group these four legs together into one trade under SPY. If you close one of the legs at a later time, it will still keep all legs grouped under the original spread.

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