Partial Return Net

Partial Return Net

The net profit or loss (after commissions, fees, and swap) realized on each partial exit within a larger trade.

Partial Return Net =  (Exit Price – Average Entry Price for Closed Shares/Contracts) *  Number of Shares/Contracts Exited) – Commissions – Fees – Swap

Trade: Buy 100 shares of XYZ at $10.

Partial Exits

  • Sell 50 shares at $12
  • Sell 30 shares at $11
  • Sell 20 shares at $13

Commissions/Fees/Swap: Assume $10 total across all executions.

Partial Return Net (Exit 1): ($12 – $10) * 50 – $3.33 = $96.67

Partial Return Net (Exit 2): ($11 – $10) * 30 – $3.33 = $26.67

Partial Return Net (Exit 3): ($13 – $10) * 20 – $3.33 = $56.67


  • FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average: The average entry price calculation for closed shares/contracts will depend on your chosen accounting method, impacting the Partial Return Net.

Partial Closing: Use this metric to track profitability on individual exits within a trade.

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