Why does the return on the table not match the Accumulated Return $ on the top widgets when filtering by a specific date?

Why does the return on the table not match the Accumulated Return $ on the top widgets when filtering by a specific date?

Example: If you have this trade:

  • Buy 100 Shares of AAPL – Jan 1, 2024
  • Sell 25 Shares of AAPL – Feb 1, 2024 – Partial Return $50
  • Sell 25 Shares of AAPL – Feb 1, 2024 – Partial Return $50
  • Sell 25 Shares of AAPL – May 1, 2024 – Partial Return $50

If you filter by analytics by May 1, 2024, and your trade settings are set to report PnL by the closing date:

  • The return on the Accumulated Return Widget will be $150 because the total return on the trade is $150, and it is reported on the closing date.

However, if you set to report PnL on the transaction date and apply the same filter of May 1, 2024:

  • The return on the Accumulated Return Widget will be $50 because the return on that specific date was $50. Yet the total return on the trade is $150. Therefore, you will see the total return on the trade in the table, while the widget reports return per transaction filtered by the specific date.

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