Learn how to set your journal setting so your trades are grouped according to your trading style.
Group Type: Normal
Options Traders
Group executions by Ticker Symbol.
If you have the following trades
Ticker: FB Strike: 29.5 Type: Call Action: Buy Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 29.5 Type: Call Action: Sell Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Call Action: Buy Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Call Action: Sell Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Put Action: Buy Spread: Vertical
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Put Action: Sell Spread: Vertical
Group #1
Ticker: FB Strike: 29.5 Type: Call Action: Buy Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 29.5 Type: Call Action: Sell Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Call Action: Buy Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Call Action: Sell Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Put Action: Buy Spread: Vertical
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Put Action: Sell Spread: Vertical
Stock Traders
Group executions by Ticker Symbol and by the day.
Ticker: FB Time: 10:00:00 Action: Buy Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 11:00:00 Action: Sell Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 13:00:00 Action: Buy Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 14:00:00 Action: Sell Size: 100
Group #1
Ticker: FB Time: 10:00:00 Action: Buy Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 11:00:00 Action: Sell Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 13:00:00 Action: Buy Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 14:00:00 Action: Sell Size: 100
Note: The system will group these executions into one trade as even though you reached a flat position because of the time of the trade
Group Type: Split
Options Traders
Group trades by instrument, strike and put / call actions.
If you have the following trades
Ticker: FB Strike: 29.5 Type: Call Action: Buy Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 29.5 Type: Call Action: Sell Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Call Action: Buy Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Call Action: Sell Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Put Action: Buy Spread: Vertical
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Put Action: Sell Spread: Vertical
This will be grouped in the following way:
Group #1
Ticker: FB Strike: 29.5 Type: Call Action: Buy Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 29.5 Type: Call Action: Sell Spread: Iron Condor
Group #2
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Call Action: Buy Spread: Iron Condor
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Call Action: Sell Spread: Iron Condor
Group #3
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Put Action: Buy Spread: Vertical
Ticker: FB Strike: 30 Type: Put Action: Sell Spread: Vertical
Stock Traders
Split trades when you reach a flat position.
Ticker: FB Time: 10:00:00 Action: Buy Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 11:00:00 Action: Sell Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 13:00:00 Action: Buy Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 14:00:00 Action: Sell Size: 100
Group #1
Ticker: FB Time: 10:00:00 Action: Buy Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 11:00:00 Action: Sell Size: 100
Group #2
Ticker: FB Time: 13:00:00 Action: Buy Size: 100
Ticker: FB Time: 14:00:00 Action: Sell Size: 100
Note: the system will separate these into two trades because the position was flat based on the time of the day.
Group Type: Spread
Options Traders
Group trades by instrument, strike, put / call actions and spreads. Helpful only for option traders which trade spreads other than Vertical spreads, for example Iron Condors.