Trade detail
- How do I enable/disable sections in the Trade Detail?
- How can I add r multiple to my trades?
- How do I change the layout of the trade detail?
- How do I move to the next/previous trade?
- How do I view all trades from the selected symbol in one chart?
- How to print a trade?
- How can I select what I share of a particular trade?
- How do I replay an existing trade?
- How do I add a note to a trade?
- How do I delete an attached image from a trade?
- How do I take a screenshot of a chart?
- How do I attach an image to a trade?
- How to change the settings of a chart?
- How can I change the shape of the chart?
- How do I remove a chart?
- How do I remove a setup/mistake/custom tag from a trade?
- How do I assign a setup/mistake/custom tag to a trade?
- How do I manually close a trade?
- How do I edit an existing order?
- How do I add a new order to a trade?
- How do I edit targets and stop losses?
- How do I remove targets and stop losses?
- How do I manually add targets and stop losses to my trades?
- How do I manually edit the contract size of a trade?
- How do I manually change the side of an option?
- How can I pre-configure more than one chart on the trade detail page?
- Can I rearrange the screenshots I uploaded?
- How can I activate/deactivate the list of trades inside the Trades detail page?
- How can I share a trade?
- How can I assign a strategy to a trade?
- How can I change the privacy from public to private or vice versa for one or multiple trades at once?